Det spelar ingen roll om du har en stor uteservering eller ett hörn av en mindre trädgård – hur som helst kan du njuta av en i ögonfallande speciallösning för utomhuskök, skapad genom att kombinera två produkter: Betonfronter Froncrete och Superior bänkskivor och diskhoar.
Förutom diskbänken integrerar vi naturligtvis en keramik-, gas- eller pelletsgrill i utekökets bänkskiva.I ett större kök kan du använda en diskho, fler lådor, skåp eller till och med betongskjutdörrar.Ett mindre modulkök kan göras mobilt med hjul.
Du kan välja mellan sju nyanser i färgvalet för bänkskiva och fronter.Skåpen är gjorda av vattentät plywood.Beslag kommer från Blum, världens ledande tillverkare.Du kan själv välja de handtag du gillar.
Tack vare det unika betongblandningsreceptet har Froncrete utekök en front och sidor av lättbetong, som förutom skönhet och lätthet även är vatten-, rep- och väderbeständiga och lätta att underhålla.
Ytterligare information
Transport & villkor
Beräknad tid till leverans*
18 Mar - 01 Apr
For custom-made products excact delivery time will be confirmed after the customer is finally confirmed the order. Normally delivery time is 4-6 weeks from the moment of order confirmation.
*Detta är en uppskattning baserad på inköpsdatum och produktionstid. Andra faktorer, som att lägga en beställning på helg/semester, kan göra att datumet blir senare. Transportörens tid ingår ej, normalt 2-7 dagar.
Allmänna villkor
For custom-made products, the exact delivery time will be confirmed after the customer has finally confirmed the order. Normally delivery time is 4-6 weeks from the moment of order confirmation.For custom-made products refund is not possible after the moment the order is confirmed.For custom-made products cancellation is not possible after the moment the order is confirmed.
For custom-made products refund is not possible after the moment the order is confirmed.
For custom-made products cancellation is not possible after the moment the order is confirmed.
Our factory is located on a small Estonian island called Hiiumaa. We have motivated teams to produce and design interior concrete products. All the new materials are tested in the laboratory and products in the factory before launching to the market. Continuous product development brings new solutions and concrete functionality to our customers.
Beside our traditional concrete, which we call "RAW" series, in 2011 new range of high quality stone "SuperIOR" was introduced. It is a feeling of lively concrete that at the same time reflects the inherent quality of the quartz stone and luxury. SuperIOR is maintenance free and its strength makes the material ideal for public areas as well.
Year 2020 we launched a new material FRONCRETE that is strong lightweight concrete and perfect for solid concrete furniture cladding.
Quality standards
IOR concrete controls the quality of the products in every single stage in production.
Products are produced according to the rules that are worked out by The Concrete Countertop Institute in the United States of America.
SuperIOR series products are produced even in higher standards and are comparable to quartz stone standards.
You should know
Concrete is natural material as wood, marble etc and color and pattern of your products can always vary a bit from sample piece. At the same time this gives the products personality and liveliness.
On concrete worktops its recommended to use always for for cutting a cutting-board and under hot pan a trivet.
Its recommended to clean and dry always the top after using it. Concrete is in origin porous material as all natural stones. Special mix and treatment is used to get our RAW concrete water and stain-proof. SuperIOR concrete is fully waterproof and more unlikely to stain.
It is recommended to oil or wax your products made of RAW concrete after every third month and SuperIOR concrete once a year.
In case you discover that water is easily penetrating into your RAW concrete top, it needs to be re-sealed in the first possible occasion.
In case you have some damage happened please contact your distributor to fix it. Most of the problems are easy to solve in our concrete products. Small cracks in RAW concrete is an essential part of the material.
Handling and installation
Keep the top always vertical - during storage in the package; during unwrapping; during lifting onto the cabinets.
Always support the top on the cut-ins - this is the weakest part and the biggest risk to break of the concrete top. Its recommended to support the edges fixed between wooden beams while installing.
During installation lift the top vertically on the cabinets and then carefully, supporting cut-in areas, lay down the top onto the cabinets.
Stone and concrete is hard but brick material - avoid all kinds of strikes: during utilization, while drilling holes or cutting the concrete top. Do not use stone hammer drilling during the drilling. Drilling and cutting is recommended after installation.
The top should be as heavy as it stays in the right position without fixing. If not use construction glue or silicone for fixing the top. Joints and sinks can be fixed by silicone, epoxy or hard construction glue and after that silicone to have visible joints or use our repairing mix to make so called invisible joints. NB! Color of the "invisible joint" can vary a bit from the rest of the top after hardening.
Installing of under-mountable sink use proper stone plugs and screws, metal fixators and silicone or construction glue.
Surface is treated to be waterproof but after installation one layer of oil or wax is always recommended.